How to Follow Up After an Interview: Boost Your Chances

Learn how to follow up after an interview to boost your chances of getting the job.

Key takeaways:

  • Following up shows interest, good manners, and professionalism.
  • Timing is crucial – wait 24 hours and choose Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
  • Keep the thank you email short, genuine, and enthusiastic.
  • Maintain a professional yet courteous tone, inject some personality.
  • Include a polite thank you, highlight a memorable moment, and express excitement for the role.

Why Follow-up After an Interview?

Following up shows that you’re genuinely interested in the position. Employers love enthusiasm. It also displays good manners and professionalism, making you memorable in a sea of other candidates.

It’s a chance to highlight anything you might have forgotten during the interview. Who hasn’t walked out of an interview room wishing they’d remembered that one brilliant point?

A gracious follow-up can give you an edge. It helps establish a rapport with the interviewer, turning you from Candidate #152 into Sarah, who sent that delightful email. Plus, it can help speed up the decision-making process. Companies appreciate candidates who keep things moving.

Ultimately, it’s a smart tactic. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a little extra credit?

When to Follow-up After an Interview?

Timing is everything, especially with follow-up emails. Think Goldilocks – not too soon, not too late, but just right.

First, give the interviewer a little breathing room. They’re likely juggling multiple candidates. A good rule of thumb is to wait about 24 hours before hitting send. You don’t want to seem over-eager or give them nightmares of you lurking behind every email.

Next, consider the day of the week. Follow-ups sent on Monday may get lost in the inbox chaos. Tuesdays or Wednesdays often work best, as they’re less frantic.

Finally, don’t forget those holiday or seasonal lulls. If the interview is right before a long weekend or holiday, wait until the working world has settled back in before reaching out. Timing here is like a perfectly brewed cup of coffee – it requires patience but the wait is worth it.

How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview

Keep it short and sweet. Think of your thank you email as the job interview’s encore performance—not a second chance to perform the whole symphony.

First, start with a clear and personable subject line. Something like “Thank You for the Opportunity” works wonders.

Kick off your message with a genuine expression of gratitude. Thank the interviewer for their time and the chance to discuss the role.

Next, remind them briefly who you are. Mention something specific from the interview to jog their memory—just in case they’ve met fifty other people this week.

Slide in a bit of enthusiasm. Reiterate your excitement about the position and how it aligns with your skills. But remember, this isn’t a cover letter—keep it light.

Finally, wrap it up by letting them know you’re looking forward to next steps. Leave the ball in their court, but let them know you’re eager to play.

And for the love of everything professional, proofread! Misspelled gratitude could spell disaster.

Tone of Voice

Keep things professional and courteous, but there’s no need to sound like a robot. Inject a little of your personality. Be polite without being obsequious.

Think of it like texting your grandma—respectful but warm.

Avoid being too casual. Emojis are a hard no, even if you really, really want to.

Enthusiasm is welcome but remember you’re not writing a fan letter. Resist the urge to gush; keep it balanced.

Sprinkle in a bit of your knowledge or unique insight from the interview. This shows you were paying attention (gold star for you!) and helps reinforce your interest.

Above all, make sure you come across as confident, not desperate. Desperation is best saved for the last slice of pizza at a party!

What to Include in Your Follow-up Email

Start with a polite thank you. Mention the interview by specifying the role and date. Drop in a highlight—something specific that made the interview memorable or enjoyable. This shows you were engaged and paying attention.

Briefly touch on your excitement for the role, tailoring it to something discussed during the interview. Reiterate one or two key skills or experiences that make you a strong contender. This keeps you fresh in their minds.

End with a confident, friendly note about looking forward to the next steps. And don’t forget to include your contact information at the end, even if they already have it. It’s like sprinkling contact confetti!

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