About Us

Welcome to Further and More, the ultimate resource for exploring the exciting world of job sharing! Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration needed to successfully embrace and implement job sharing practices. We believe that job sharing offers a unique opportunity to achieve a better work-life balance, increase job satisfaction, and promote collaboration and innovation in the workplace.

Our Vision

At Further and More, we envision a world where job sharing becomes a widely accepted and valued employment model. Our team of experienced professionals, HR specialists, and passionate job sharers is dedicated to promoting the benefits of job sharing and providing practical guidance for partners and businesses alike. We aim to create a supportive community where job sharers can connect, learn, and thrive.

What Further and More Offers

  1. Job Sharing Basics: Get a solid understanding of the job sharing concept, its advantages, challenges, and how it can benefit both employees and employers. Our comprehensive guides will give you the foundation you need to explore the world of job sharing.
  2. Tips for Job Share Partners: Discover practical advice and strategies for establishing and maintaining a successful job sharing partnership. Learn how to communicate effectively, divide tasks, and create a harmonious and productive working relationship.
  3. Recruitment and Implementation: Equip businesses with the tools and insights needed to recruit and support job sharing employees. From creating job descriptions to devising policies and procedures, we provide the resources necessary to facilitate a smooth transition to job sharing practices.
  4. Success Stories: Be inspired by real-life examples of job sharing partnerships that have thrived and made a positive impact in the workplace. Learn from their experiences and gain valuable insights that can help you navigate your own job sharing journey.
  5. Networking and Support: Connect with fellow job sharers, employers, and HR professionals who share your interest in this innovative employment model. Share your experiences, ask questions, and collaborate to create a supportive and engaged community.

Join Our Community

We invite you to join our growing community of job sharing enthusiasts, professionals, and businesses. Subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on social media, or bookmark our blog for easy access to fresh content. We welcome your questions, insights, and feedback as we work together to promote the benefits and potential of job sharing in the modern workplace.

Thank you for choosing Further and More as your trusted resource for job sharing information and advice. We are excited to support you on your journey towards a more balanced, collaborative, and fulfilling work-life experience.